Saturday, May 26, 2012

UPSC Civil Service - Examination Public administration

Administrative Theory
1.        Introduction: Meaning, scope and significance of Public Administration;
Wilson’s vision of Public Administration;  Evolution of the discipline and its
present  status;   New  Public Administration;    Public Choice  approach;
Challenges of liberalization, Privatisation, Globalisation;  Good Governance:
concept and application;  New Public Management.
2.  Administrative Thought: Scientific Management and Scientific Management
movement; Classical Theory; Weber’s bureaucratic model – its critique and
post-Weberian Developments; Dynamic Administration (Mary Parker Follett);
Human Relations School (Elton Mayo and others);  Functions of the Executive
(C.I. Barnard); Simon’s decision-making theory; Participative Management
(R. Likert, C.Argyris, D.McGregor).
3.        Administrative Behaviour: Process and techniques of decision-making;
Communication; Morale; Motivation  Theories  –  content,  process  and
contemporary; Theories of Leadership: Traditional and Modern.
4.        Organisations: Theories  –  systems,  contingency; Structure  and  forms:
Ministries  and Departments,  Corporations, Companies,  Boards  and
Commissions; Ad  hoc  and  advisory  bodies; Headquarters  and Field
relationships; Regulatory Authorities; Public - Private Partnerships.
5.        Accountability  and  control: Concepts  of  accountability  and  control;
Legislative, Executive and Judicial control over administration; Citizen and
Administration; Role of media, interest groups, voluntary organizations; Civil
society; Citizen’s Charters; Right to Information; Social audit.
6.        Administrative  Law:   Meaning,  scope  and  significance; Dicey  on
Administrative law; Delegated legislation; Administrative Tribunals.
7.        Comparative Public Administration:  Historical and sociological factors
affecting administrative systems; Administration and politics  in different
countries; Current status of Comparative Public Administration; Ecology and
administration; Riggsian models and their critique.
8.        Development Dynamics: Concept of development; Changing profile of
development administration; ‘Anti-development thesis’; Bureaucracy and
development; Strong state versus the market debate; Impact of liberalisation
on administration in developing countries; Women and development - the
self-help group movement.
9.        Personnel Administration: Importance of human resource development;
Recruitment, training, career advancement, position classification, discipline,
performance appraisal, promotion, pay and service conditions; employeremployee
  relations,  grievance  redressal mechanism; Code  of  conduct;
Administrative ethics.

10.      Public Policy: Models of policy-making and  their critique; Processes of
conceptualisation, planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review
and their limitations; State theories and public policy formulation.
11.      Techniques of Administrative Improvement: Organisation and methods,
Work study and work management; e-governance and information technology;
Management aid tools like network analysis, MIS, PERT, CPM.
12.      Financial Administration: Monetary and fiscal policies;  Public borrowings
and public debt Budgets  - types and forms;  Budgetary process;  Financial
accountability; Accounts and audit.
Indian Administration
1.         Evolution  of  Indian Administration: Kautilya’s Arthashastra; Mughal
administration;    Legacy  of British  rule  in  politics  and  administration  -
Indianization of public services, revenue administration, district administration,
local self-government.
2.        Philosophical and Constitutional  framework of government: Salient
features and value premises; Constitutionalism; Political culture; Bureaucracy
and democracy; Bureaucracy and development.
3.        Public Sector Undertakings: Public sector in modern India; Forms of Public
Sector Undertakings; Problems of autonomy, accountability and control;
Impact of liberalization and privatization.
4.        Union Government and Administration: Executive, Parliament, Judiciary -
structure, functions, work processes; Recent  trends;    Intragovernmental
relations;  Cabinet Secretariat; Prime Minister’s Office; Central Secretariat;
Ministries and Departments; Boards; Commissions; Attached offices; Field
5.        Plans and Priorities: Machinery of planning;  Role, composition and functions
of the Planning Commission and the National Development Council;  ‘Indicative’
planning;  Process of plan formulation at Union and State levels;  Constitutional
Amendments (1992) and decentralized planning for economic development
and social justice.
6.        State Government  and Administration: Union-State  administrative,
legislative and financial relations;  Role of the Finance Commission;  Governor;
Chief Minister; Council of Ministers; Chief Secretary; State Secretariat;
7.        District Administration since Independence: Changing role of the Collector;
Union-state-local relations; Imperatives of development management and law
and  order  administration;  District  administration  and  democratic
8.        Civil Services: Constitutional position; Structure, recruitment, training and

capacity-building;  Good governance initiatives;  Code of conduct and discipline;
Staff associations; Political rights; Grievance redressal mechanism; Civil
service neutrality; Civil service activism.
9.        Financial Management:  Budget as a political instrument;  Parliamentary
control of public expenditure;  Role of finance ministry in monetary and fiscal
area;  Accounting techniques; Audit;  Role of Controller General of Accounts
and Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
10.      Administrative Reforms since Independence: Major concerns; Important
Committees and Commissions; Reforms in financial management and human
resource development; Problems of implementation.
11.      Rural Development:  Institutions and agencies since independence; Rural
development  programmes:    foci  and  strategies; Decentralization  and
Panchayati Raj; 73rd Constitutional amendment.
12.      Urban Local Government:  Municipal governance:  main features, structures,
finance and problem areas;  74th Constitutional Amendment;  Global-local
debate; New localism;  Development dynamics, politics and administration
with special reference to city management.
13.      Law and Order Administration: British legacy;  National Police Commission;
Investigative agencies; Role of central and state agencies including paramilitary
forces  in maintenance of  law and order and countering  insurgency and
terrorism;   Criminalisation  of  politics  and  administration;   Police-public
relations;  Reforms in Police.
14.      Significant  issues  in  Indian Administration: Values  in public service;
Regulatory Commissions; National Human Rights Commission; Problems of
administration in coalition regimes; Citizen-administration interface; Corruption
and administration;   Disaster management.

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