Sunday, June 3, 2012

SET (State Eligibility Test) Questions and answers

3. After attending an inservice cource you are offered one book from among the four listed below. Which one will be your first preference?
(a) A novel written by a famous author.
(b) A book on innovative instructional strategies
(c) The autobiography of your favourite political leader.
(d) A book on the philosophy of Rousseau. 4. On a free evening you have the choice to
6. A boy continues to talk in the class with his mates even after being warned. What action would you take?
(a) Send him out of the class room
(b) Talk more loudly and attract his attention
(c) Make the whole class sit quiet for five minutes, with folded hands.
(d) Arrange a counseling session for the boy.
7. A boy who is deeply interested in sports is found not to show progress in academic studies. What step will you take inorder to help him?
(a) Encourage him to concentrate on sports even at the risk of neglecting academic studies.
(b) Provide him compensatory programmes to make up for the backwardness in studies.
(c)Convince him that it is better to suspend sports activities till the examinations are over.
(d) Don't interfere and allow him to follow his own course of action.
8. Some students are found to buy unhygienic food items from the school gate. What is its remedy?
(a) Force the peddlers concerned vacate the school gate
(b) Arrange for explaining the harmful effects of the practice in the school assembly.
(c) Inform the principal about this.
(d) Announce that those who do so will be severely punished.
9. In the Parent Teacher Association meeting, some parents point out that your pupils have complained that they do not understand the topic clearly. What will be your reaction?
a) Identify the pupils and schold them for complaining child to take a decision
11. A decision about an issue taken by you has been criticised by a large number of your colleagues. What will you do under such a situation?
a) Accept their suggestions and change your stand
b) Stick on to your original stand point
c) Gather support for your stand from other friends
d) Study their points of view and accept if you are convinced
12. You and your friend send entries for an educational competition. Your friend wins a prize, but not you. Other colleagues cut jokes about this. What will be your reaction?
a) Congratulate the winner and wait for the next chance
b) Tell the colleagues that other friend won it by political influence
c) Ask the colleagues to study the entries and pass a judgment
d) Write to the organizers about the injustice and favoritism
13. The meaning of a phenomenon is found to be vague for students. What step would you suggest to make its meaning definite?
a) Ask them to give their own explanation
b) Use some concrete mediator that could help in visualising the phenomenon
c) Explain it again and again until everybody understands it
d) Advise them to seek the help of some expert
14. Which of the following learning experiences do you think most appropriate to the developmental stage of a sixteen year old learner, while learning a principle?
a) Participating in physical activities depicting the principle
b) Examining a diagram which illustrate the application of the principle
c) Arrive at the principle inductively and
19. Which of the following activities world help a teacher best, to make communication effective?
A. use of instructional aides where ever possible
B. help given to students to get meaning out of what he teaches
C. asking questions in between teaching with a view to evaluate
D. help given to students for finding the correct answers to questions.
20. "Truth in that which works" is a saying often quoted in relation to the philosophy of:
A. Realism
B. Pragmatism
C. Idealism
D. Naturalism.
21. Open Universities have been started become of:
A. economic stringency
B. demand for higher education
2. Name the Indian who has been appointed as the Vice President of Interpol?
(a) H. T. Sangliana
(b) Joginder Singh
(c) I.K. Govind
(d) P.C. Sharma Ans:d.
3. What is the motto of Afro- Asian games?
(a) Swifter-Higher-Stronger
(b) Ever onwards
(c) Two continents, one spirit
(d) None of these
4. Name the second largest island?
 (a) Borneo
(b) Greenland
(c) Madagascar
(d) New Guinea
23) On a free evening, you have the choice to attend one of the tour programmes taking place in your town. Which will be your first preference?
(a) Screening of a famous movie
(b) A recital of their poems by five well known poets
(c) A seminar of academicians on issue in contemporary education.
(d) An exhibition of agricultural products
5. An insignificant issue develops into a serious conflict between a section of your students and a group of students in a neighbouring school. How will you respond?
(a) Will not involve in the issue at all.
(b) Support the students of your school
(c) Support the students of the other
10. A pupil facing a problem asks the teacher 'what shall I do?' The teacher should:
a) Provide the pupil with course of action after considering his abilities
b) tell the pupil what he would do if he were in the pupils place
c) ask the pupil to get the advice of his parents
d) have an intimate discussion with the pupil and provide insight to enable the
apply it deductively while solving problematic situations
d) Memorising the principle for use on future occasions
15. Which of the strategies is the most important for enhancing the level of mastering in learning?
a) Providing attractive incentive to high achievers
b) Providing continuous in-service training to teachers
c) Adopting the strategy of diagnosis and remediation while imparting instruction
d) Use of technological gadgets to make instruction dynamic
Ans: C
24. Cognitive field psychology does not accept the practice of learning through
 A. logical differentiation
B. meaningful generalizations
C. purposeful restructuring
D. piece meal learning
Ans: D

25. Education should give stress on desirable changes in:
A. cognitive domain
B. affective domain
C. psychomotor domain
D. all the above domains.
Ans: D
9. The Australian Cricket Player who is the new Aussies Tourism Ambassador to India?
(a) Steve Waugh
(b) Shane Warne
(c) David Boon
(d) Mark Waugh
Ans: A
10. The first City to implement Conditional Access System (CAS)?
(a) Delhi
(b) Mumbai,
(c) Kolkotta
(d) Chennai

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