Monday, November 2, 2009

H1N1 Tracked, Privacy, New CIO, Security Skimp, Metadata and other news ...

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Monday November 2, 2009
News and Features
Rhode Island Tracks H1N1 Using Electronic Prescription Data
- Oct 30, 2009
E-prescription data is sent to Rhode Island health officials to help identify potential H1N1 outbreaks and affected age groups.
It Doesn't Pay to Skimp on Cyber-Security (Opinion)
- Oct 30, 2009
Governments must still protect domains, critical infrastructure and Web 2.0 platforms.
EU Charges UK With Electronic Privacy Infringement
- Oct 30, 2009
If not resolved, the next step is referral to the European Court of Justice.
Clifford Clarke, PTI's new CIO PTI Announces Appointment of New CIO
- Oct 30, 2009
Former CIO of Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Arizona Supreme Court: Metadata a Public Record
- Oct 30, 2009
Phoenix police officer alleged that notes kept by his supervisor had been backdated.
Most Viewed
Los Angeles City Council Approves Google E-Mail Plan
- Oct 27, 2009
Microsoft and Google made final arguments in three-hour discussion.
PCIO OctNov2009 Cover/Cover photo by Cade Martin Public CIO Magazine
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Photo Bill Schrier
Notes from a City CIO
By Bill Schrier
Open Cities
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