Friday, July 6, 2012

If earth did not have an atmosphere would its averaoe su face tempt rat ti re be higher or lower thin what it is now?

If earth did not have an atmosphere would its averaoe su face tempt rat ti re be higher or lower thin what it is now?
Ans.: If there had been no atmosphere on the earth, the surface temperature of would
be lower, because in the absence ofamosphere greenhouse effect cannot .eke place.
!.8: Arrange the following electromagnetic radiations in the aseendin E. order of their wavelength : microwaves, gamma rays, racliowaves, ultraviolet rays. Atm : (i) Gamma rays (ii) Ultraviolet rays (iii) Microwaves (iv) Radiowaves
Q.9: Long distance radio transmission uses short waves. Why?
Ans.: Long distance transmission uses short waves as they are easily reflected by ionosphere. Further, long wavelength sky waves lose their energy very quick-.
. 1 0: What is greenhouse effect? What is its practical utility?
Ans.: The atmosphere is transparent to visible radiation. The other componen --. as ultra
violet and infra:red are absorbed in different layers of the atmosphere. 7- .:Ifrared radiations produce warmth of the atmosphere, which absorbs most of it -:ne sun. The earth is warmed by whatever little radiation it receives. Consequerrf, . the earth itself emits the infrared radiation. The infrared radiation emitted from the f.-.1-..11 cannot cross the lower atmospheric layers of the earth's atmosphere which ref...-ers it back. The clouds also act as very good reflectors and prevent the radiation Ear:- -:scaping.

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