Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New White Papers

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New White Papers

Government Technology is proud to announce the following white papers available for download.

Invest Wisely: Managing Information as a Strategic Asset in the Public Sector

InvestWiselyManagingInfoasaStrategicAssetinthePublicSectorInformation is the lifeblood of government enterprise. As the volume of information grows, public sector program managers, and indeed all stakeholders inter- and intra-departmental must manage and control data so it can become a strategic asset. Aberdeen's research of 156 public sector organizations shows that through the use of proper data governance, Best-in-Class public sector program managers are achieving better results. Download PDF


Business Intelligence in the Public Sector: The Value of Efficient Resource Utilization

BusinessIntelligenceinPublicSectorAs government budgets continue to shrink, agencies are consistently asked to do more with less. When it comes to information management and decision support, resource optimization comes at a higher premium than ever before and the top performing public sector organizations are leveraging business intelligence (BI) tools and strategies to achieve more efficient resource usage. Learn how Best-in-Class organizations in the public sector are generating more efficient data capture, information assembly, and insight delivery in order to make better decisions and drive higher performance as a result. The research will demonstrate that public sector organizations utilizing a well conceived and comprehensive strategy for BI are leveraging more organizational data, expending fewer resources and delivering mission-critical insight to their workforce in a timely fashion. Download PDF

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