Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Education Roundup - The Internet Filter

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Converge Mag
  December 22, 2009
 Education Roundup
Check out the TANDBERG Education Update: virtual museum visits, closing the distance gap, federal funding and more!
Read on >>
  News  Featured columns
College Center Teaches Convergence Skills
Programs prepare future IT professionals for the changing technology landscape.
World Exploration, Virtual-Style
Wonder Rotunda offers educational adventures for children, but is there enough interaction to engage?
Redefining the Role of K-12 IT Execs
Schools should consider evolving the role of their IT executives to include knowledge management.
Robust Network Expands Learning Possibilities
A solid infrastructure connects teachers and students to the world, saves districts money, according to John Fleischman of the Sacramento County (Calif.) Office of Education.

Check it out
CDW-G can help modernize your educational experience.
Learn More Now!
Register Your Students
Registration for the 2009-2010 Young Minds Digital Times Film Competition is now open. The second annual competition, presented by KidThrive.org in partnership with Converge magazine, is free for students in grades six through 12. Competition registration runs through Feb. 19, 2010.
Apply for the 2010 Schools of Distinction Awards
The yearly Intel Schools of Distinction Awards recognize U.S. schools that demonstrate 21st century teaching and learning environments and implement innovative, replicable programs that inspire their students to excel in the areas of math and science.
Apply for the Intel Schools of Distinction Awards>>
Funding K-12 Literacy Programs
Programs from Read Naturally Inc. have demonstrated results in reading fluency and comprehension; to read about one success story and learn how to fund such solutions in your district, download Funding K-12 Literacy Programs today

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The Roles of the Production Team
World Exploration, Virtual-Style
Careers of the Future
Global Connections Through Videoconferencing
The Internet Filter
The Internet Filter

Randy Speck

I was in my office at work, typing in the YouTube URL to download a video, when bam! "Access Denied" flashed across the screen. So, what did I do? Read more>>

 The Online Education Maze

Phil Brody

Online schools provide a unique way to get an education.They offer flexibility for those who need it, but unfortunately, they also hinder productivity for others. Read more>>


Education opportunities
Find the Right Job for You

Michael Smith

If you're looking for a new job or just want to see what's out there, we've got you covered. Our new jobs section on Converge Online allows you to search more than 2,000 listings for administrator, teacher, IT personnel and professor openings across the United States. Check it out>>

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